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Recommended Reading 

Here is a list of books that Dr. Whiten recommends for various issues you may be dealing with, and to the left you can see my office bookcase pictured!  All are Amazon affiliate links. 

Couples issues

52 Emails To Transform Your Marriage (my book, guiding you through DIY couples counseling via email!)

Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples, 20th Anniversary Edition by Harville Hendrix, PhD

Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson (very good for couples who want exercises and concrete conversations to build closeness and connection)

Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (classic to help you understand why you and your partner don't show love the same way)

The ADHD Effect on Marriage by Melissa Orlov

Not "Just Friends" by Shirley Glass (recovering from an emotional affair)



Wanting Sex Again by Laurie Watson (very good explanation of why women have low libido in marriages)

She Comes First by Ian Kerner (for men who want to improve their sexual technique)

Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel

The Sex Starved Marriage by Michele Weiner Davis

The Sex Diaries: Why Women Go Off Sex And Other Bedroom Battles by Bettina Arndt



How to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce- my book that takes you through all stages of helping kids of all ages acclimate to divorce

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce by Judith Wallerstein, Julia Lewis, and Sandra Blakeslee



Smashed by Koren Zailckas (a college student who binge drinks)

Model Citizen by Joshua Mohr (a man who is an alcoholic)

Girl in Need of a Tourniquet by Merri Lisa Johnson (Borderline Personality Disorder)

House Rules by Rachel Sontag (living with a very rigid and verbally abusive father)

Nice Children Stolen from Car by Barbara Allen (a self published memoir of the child of a hoarder)

Highly Sensitive People


​The Highly Sensitive Person by Dr. Elaine Aron

The Highly Sensitive Person in Love by Dr. Elaine Aron

The Highly Sensitive Child  by Dr. Elaine Aron

Dealing with a very difficult partner or other person in your life


I Hate You, Don't Leave Me by Kreisman and Straus (classic about Borderline PD)

Stop Walking on Eggshells by Mason Kreger

Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward

Emotional Vampires by Albert J. Bernstein

Disarming the Narcissist by Wendy T. Behary

Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families


Children of the Self Absorbed by Nina W. Brown

Surviving a Borderline Parent by Kimberlee Roth and Freda B. Friedman

Mean Mothers by Peg Streep

Cutting Loose by Howard M. Halpern, PhD

Understanding the Borderline Mother by Christine Ann Lawson 

Running on Empty by Jonice Webb (great book about emotional neglect by parents)

The First Day Of Spring by Nancy Tucker (a novel about childhood neglect and abuse narrated by the child; very emotional to read if you experienced anything similar)



Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel MD and Mary Hartzell

The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aron (if you have a very sensitive child this is quite interesting)

Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy (very interesting if you're looking to become a less anxious parent)

The Ghost In The House by Tracy Thompson (maternal depression)

Feeling That You're Failing as a Mother


The Monster Within by Barbara Almond 

The Good Mother Myth edited by Avital Norman Nathman 

All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senior

Overwhelmed by Brigid Schulte

Only Children


The Only Child: How to Survive Being One by Jill Pitkeathley and David Emerson

Only-Child Experience and Adulthood by Bernice Sorenson (get this at the library because for some reason it's $300 on amazon)

Healthy Lifestyle


Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss

Year of No Sugar by Eve O. Schaub

Potatoes Not Prozac: Are You Sugar Sensitive? by Kathleen DesMaisons (read if you can't control yourself around carbs and tend toward depression)

Time and Money


Stuffocation by James Wallman 

All the Money in the World by Laura Vanderkam

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam

Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup

Feel free to suggest others!

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